For the Media

The Original Free Speech Protestival!

Our volunteer media crew is happy to take inquiries from working journalists about Hempfest®, cannabis policy, local politics and more. We can arrange interviews with invited speakers and offer photos of the event. You may reach us at [email protected]. All media must check in at the media booth when they arrive.

Seattle Hempfest® features four stages of world class music and renowned speakers. Hundreds of arts, crafts, food, and political vendors dot the long expanse of both parks. Hempfest has a “Hemposium” replete with panel discussions and presentations, keynote speakers, displays, and workshops. Hempfest requires over 50 crews. The largest cannabis policy reform event in the world, Seattle Hempfest always happens the third weekend in the month of August. Seattle Hempfest was established in 1991 at Volunteer Park on Capital Hill in Seattle. Hempfest moved to Gasworks Park in 1994, only to switch to its current location, Myrtle Edwards Park, in 1995.

The Seattle Hempfest seeks safe access to medical grade cannabis for qualified patients, the legal domestic production of industrial hemp, and alternatives to incarceration for otherwise responsible adults convicted of marijuana offenses.

Seattle Hempfest advocates that cannabis be regulated like alcohol, adults who responsibly use cannabis not be treated as criminals, and non-violent drug offenders be given treatment rather than incarcerated.

Visit our gallery for license-free Hempfest® Images, and please give photo credits to the photographer.
Photo by staff photographer Diane Hildebrand.
Photo Credit: Anthony P. Lilly

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