End Federal Scheduling

Let’s End Cannabis Prohibition Now!!! How can we end Federal Prohibition?  We’ve taken the first steps here in Washington State by passing I-502 and starting the legalization process.  We’re at an in-between spot right now.  A place where the Federal Government looms over our burgeoning cannabis movement and leaves us unclear as to whether it will fall […]

A Farmer’s Market

Ever been to an actual cannabis farmers market?  It’s just as beautiful as you’d imagine!  We visited the World Famous Cannabis Farmer’s Market at 1912 Center Street in Tacoma on St Patrick’s Day.  The market is open the 1st & 3rd Sunday’s of each month from 11 – 5 PM.  Why visit a Cannabis Farmer’s […]

Ask Seattle Hempfest –

Question: I’m planning on being at the 2013 hempfest with a couple of friends. My question is do the medications being sold requiring a medical card and what are the restrictions of the festivities based on marijuana?   Anwer: Hello!  There is no cannabis sales allowed at Seattle Hempfest.  We strictly enforce this policy.  Vendors […]

Pssst, There’s Snot in the Brownies!

Each year Seattle Hempfest fights a weird battle, the battle of unauthorized vending. As a 100% volunteer driven event, we are  dependent upon revenue generated by the vendors who pay to sell their wares at our event. These vendors, along with your donations, are the life’s blood of Seattle Hempfest that keeps our heart tokin’and […]

Producing Seattle Hempfest is a labor of Love.

Producing Seattle Hempfest is a labor of Love. We’ve worked, scattered throughout the state, from our homes, in solidarity but solitude, meeting in living rooms, coffee shops, & public meeting halls. Exploiting the invent of the internet and using tools like Skype and Google docs, we’ve rolled up one tight, phat, Hempfest after another. It’s […]